Undoubtedly, at present, laser hair removal is a preferred method of conveniently reducing unwanted hair for years or even a lifetime. It is usually carried out by dermatologists at Charma Clinic to help remove unwanted hair on the face or body and prevent new hair from growing. Laser Hair Removal in Bangalore involves the use of laser light which targets the melanin of the hair roots and thermally destroys the hair follicles to impede future growth of hair and even shed existing actively growing hair.
When laser treatment for hair removal is executed by trained and experienced skincare professionals like at Charma Clinic, it is said to be extremely safe and effective. However, still, side effects like pain, swelling, and redness are reported by patients. To make sure the side effects are minimal and temporary, recovery is smooth and quick, and the results obtained are as expected and optimal, it is crucial to take some precautionary measures after the treatment as instructed by the professional.
This article lists 12 laser hair removal aftercare tips that patients must be aware of and follow. These are shared by dermatologist, Dr. Rajdeep Mysore, who is well-known for Laser Hair Reduction in Bangalore:
What to do After Laser Hair Removal?
1. Wear comfortable clothes.
It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when scheduling a laser hair removal session, but wearing loose-fitting clothing on the day of treatment is a smart idea, especially when treating more sensitive regions. After the session, the targeted hair follicles retain heat, so one can avoid friction and irritation to the treated area and keep the skin breathable and comfy by wearing loose clothing to and from the treatment session and continuing this for a few days.
2. Soothe the treated area.
It is normal for the skin to feel warm to touch following the procedure. Therefore, after the laser hair removal treatment, it is crucial to keep the treated area cool and hydrated and minimise or relieve post-treatment pain and swelling. This can be done with the use of cold compresses or ice wrapped in a dry cloth, applied for 5-10 minutes at a time, multiple times each day until the discomfort subsides.
In addition, skincare professionals prescribe post-laser cream, a recovery cream to be applied on the treated area up to three times daily for several days following the treatment. This cream has soothing activities that build a nourishing hydrofilm to reduce skin redness, irritation, and inflammation. It also increases moisture levels, which aids in the regeneration of the skin following laser treatment.
3. Exfoliate the treated area.
Patients will experience hair shedding after the laser hair removal treatment. Hair follicles are damaged, and hair begins to come out during the first four weeks. Exfoliating the skin four weeks after the laser hair removal treatment is the most effective way to protect it. Use a washcloth and a gentle scrub to exfoliate the skin.
Excessive and aggressive rubbing can damage the skin, so use circular motions while wiping over the treated area. Doing this a few times a week can help shed more hair and prepare the area for the next session.
4. Wait for a minimum of 4 weeks for the next session.
For achieving maximal hair reduction, most patients require up to 6 laser hair removal sessions. In between these sessions, there should be a gap of around 4-6 weeks so that more targeted hair follicles fall under the actively growing phase of the hair growth cycle to be successfully treated with laser and so optimal hair removal is possible.
At Charma Clinic, the best Laser Hair Removal Cost in Bangalore is offered. The cost starts from Rs. 3,000. This is just an estimate it can vary from body part and severity of condition.
What to Avoid After Laser Hair Removal?
1. Try not to touch or apply pressure on the treated area.
It's difficult to resist running your hands over the freshly lasered legs and appreciating the smoothness of the treatment results. But hold on. Skincare professionals advise patients to avoid touching, scratching, rubbing, picking, squeezing, scrubbing, or any activities that involve putting pressure on the hairless skin as these can affect the proper healing of the skin.
Touching with dirty hands increases the risk of introducing harmful bacteria into open pores. Scratching or picking at the skin that is scabbing or dry after laser hair removal can result in scars or infections. If you have an urge to scratch or pick the scab of the treated area, use a clean, wet towel to gently pat the area and release any scabs.
2. Avoid the use of strong fragranced perfumes and cosmetic products.
Avoid using strongly scented topical beauty products and makeup for the first two days after the laser hair removal treatment, especially when done on the face. During the healing process after permanent hair removal, the skin will be sensitive, and fragrances/perfumes might aggravate the skin and cause skin discoloration or redness. For the same reason, patients should avoid using body wash, perfumes, and lotions for the underarm and bikini area after laser hair removal. One can, however, continue to use their regular skin care products after 48 hours.
3. Avoid using other methods of hair removal.
Avoiding alternative hair removal treatments, such as waxing, tweezing, or plucking that remove hair from the root is another way to speed up the healing process and protect the skin and hair follicles. If required, shave the treated area using a gentle razor.
4. Sun-protect the treated skin.
Staying away from the sun is the first and most important rule for a responsible laser hair removal user. Avoid direct sunlight for at least two weeks before and after the procedure. Cover the treatment area when you're outside, and remember to put on your sunscreen of SPF 30 and above. As laser therapy causes a heat response in the skin, individuals’ skin may become more susceptible to sunburn and sun damage, when exposed to the sun.
5. Avoid exposing the treated skin to high temperatures.
Since laser treatments generate heat in the skin, it is critical to avoid taking hot baths or showers, which may raise the body temperature and cause irritation. Instead, take a cool shower to help to relax the treated area and calm the skin after treatment. For the first 48 hours, one should take a bath or shower with only cool or lukewarm water.
Furthermore, experts recommend avoiding any activity that may cause people to feel hot or sweaty, such as exercise, saunas, steam rooms, or spas. Not only do they want to avoid any extra heat in the region as it could cause skin burn and irritation, but they also want to avoid the possibility of bacteria growing.
6. Avoid using tanning lotions or artificial tanners.
Following laser hair treatment, the skin needs some time to heal and is sensitive. So, don’t apply self-tanners for several days after the last laser hair removal session and even before and in between the sessions to avoid rashes, bumps, burns, and irritation.
7. Avoid undergoing cosmetic procedures in the treated area for two weeks.
Any minimally invasive cosmetic skin treatments like chemical peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, and others are very harsh on the skin following laser hair removal. So, wait to be over with laser hair removal sessions and 2 weeks of more waiting following the last session, to schedule any aesthetic procedure appointment.
8. Refrain from swimming for 2 days or longer.
Swimming pools have chlorinated water and lakes, seas, and rivers have algae and bacterial growth. In either case, subjecting the laser-treated skin to chemical or microbial growth in water could irritate the skin and impair the healing process following laser hair removal treatment.
Laser hair removal in Bangalore at Charma Clinic is an excellent choice for one’s who want clear and hair-free skin. Visit the clinic today to get safe outcomes and clear-free skin with the best lasers and under expert supervision.